The Food On Demand Conference highlighted upcoming technology trends for restaurants. Vizio has updated its home screen, offering improved advertising options while Valyant catches the eye of some big names in the industry.
The online food delivery market was worth $221.65 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at 10% annually from 2023 to 2030. While tech deals have slowed, a sector within the market is performing well in 2023. The key metrics for startups are acceleration and momentum.
The controversy of paying for reservations is heating up. The impact of MLB's new rules on the restaurant business. NYC restaurants have recently imposed 90-minute time limits on diners, which has generated discussion among consumers and industry professionals.
IYKYK - Knowledge is power. How do delivery app algorithms actually work? Delivery app algorithms are a topic of interest for many people.The restaurant industry's growth remains driven by demand for delivery services.
Startup founders can learn valuable lessons from Nassim Taleb's writings, such as embracing uncertainty and striving for anti-fragility. Meanwhile, venture capitalists are fiercely competing to secure the next AI deal on Big Tech's turf. In other news, GoTab has announced a partnership with Meez.