Jun 21, 2024 3 min read

3 Marketing Hacks That Will Increase Your Email Open Rates

The best way to increase retention AKA return trips / repeat purchases from guests? Top marketers will all agree, its email. Email marketing is the fastest, cheapest, easiest, most scalable way to stay top of mind with your guests and get them coming back from more.
3 Marketing Hacks That Will Increase Your Email Open Rates
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The best way to increase retention AKA return trips / repeat purchases from guests? Top marketers will all agree, its email.

Email marketing is the fastest, cheapest, easiest, most scalable way to stay top of mind with your guests and get them coming back from more.

Compare that to social media for a second:

You spend hours and hours creating content that requires a flowing river of unique ideas, taking and then editing pictures or videos, writing captions, researching hashtags, best time of day to post and then scheduling to go live. Plus then you have to engage, reply to comments, share to stories, etc, etc etc .. only to have less than 10% of your followers see the message ...

Social media vs email:

You create a template, drop in an image (or gif), write a subject line, a couple lines of copy with a CTA and link and then hit send and have at least 33% of your subscribers see it.

Which sounds faster, cheaper, easier and more scalable?

Yeah, its email.

According to the latest stats  from Mailchimp, average open rates for the restaurant industry are actually 40%!! 

Are you getting open rates that high? Most of my clients are. So what is our trick? How do we do it?

Here are 3 ways to improve the performance of your restaurant marketing emails:

Number 1: Great content

First and foremost,  you have to have great content. Be helpful, be creative, offer value. Pretty straight forward.

Emails don't always have to have offers, but they do help with engagement. Promote menu items, run a contest, share an event. Its not hard to be interesting.

Number 2: The right frequency

Secondly, don't over send. Too many emails will get you into the friend zone.

What is the right frequency? The real answer is you should test. But here's where to start ... if you are quick serve or high frequency, try to send every 7-10 days. If you are full service, try to send every 14-21 days. You're trying to match the average frequency of your top 50% of guests.

 Did you just experience an unlock? 

Number 3 - optimize that subject line

The single thing that drives the most opens is a good subject line. A great subject line gets people interested on what's inside.

Great subject lines are provocative, engaging, offer value or drive fear of missing out. Cheat code: use ChatGPT to write your subject and make sure your query has the above direction.

What's our hack?  Include an emoji at the start of the subject line. This will make it stand out in an inbox.

Want another? Come back next week when I share our super framework for juicing open rates!


Do you need help with any of this? Send me an email rev@brandedstrategic.net

- Rev Ciancio


*I help restaurants to build guest marketing programs.

*I help hospitality tech companies with lead generation and content marketing.

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